Kennedy King College Nursing Program

Welcome! To my Nursing Blog. I am so excited that you have arrived. We will utilize this blog to clarify questions and concerns regarding classroom homework, classroom lectures and upcoming exams. Remember to continue to strive for your goal. It only requires a one year investment. Continue to be productive! Mrs. Ousley



What do our students need from us in the integration of technology in our classroom to A) build skills that will enhance their future, and B) engage them in our subject in a meaningful way?How can we best keep up with the trends and developments which could make a significant difference in our instruction and student learning?After completing this class I believe that technology is a must that has to be utilized in our classrooms. Technology can be introduced in a variety of ways such as the use of power point, personal communication response systems, and podcasting which are a few that I plan to incorporate within my classroom. In order for students to be successful with technology their instructors need to be technology savvy. Instructors (teachers) should be required to use some form of technology within their classrooms. To use one something is better than nothing at all and to be consistent with that one technology piece is a good place to start. In my opinion consistency is very important when it comes to implementing technology.If students are introduced to technology within their classrooms it tends to build a confidence with using technology. Students would feel more comfortable utilizing technology. With the wave of technology with the use of Ipods, and text messaging phones using technology in the classroom should feel more comfortable to the student. By engaging the students in technology it will help grasp and keep their attention regarding the subject matter that is being taught. To keep up with the trends of technology it is important as instructors to continue to learn more and incoporate more technology in our classrooms.


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